At Eastfield Primary Academy, school meals are provided by Food Stars, our in-house catering team. There is a fantastic selection of hot and cold food each day. There is always a hot main meal, hot vegetarian choice, jacket potato or a cold sandwich. There is also a wide variety of puddings each day. Meals are booked a week in advance on our app called MCAS to ensure that children get the meal that they want - the school office team will help you set this up when you start with us.
You can see our current menus here:

School Lunches

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School meals cost £2.25 and this needs to be paid for on the MCAS app - all meals are paid for in advance. You are able to book meals for any day of the week, you do not have to book your child in every day – we aim to provide as much flexibility as we can! 
A menu is sent home termly so that you and your child can select the meals you wish to book.
A packed lunch can be brought in from home. We are a nut and kiwi free school, please ensure that packed lunches are free from any products containing nuts or kiwi; we have children for whom traces of these foods can cause severe anaphylactic shock.

Universal School Meals

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are entitled to a free school meal under the Government’s Universal Free School Meal Scheme which comes into effect on September 1st 2014. Any parents who do not wish to take advantage of this scheme are able to send their child to school with a packed lunch.

Children in KS2 have the choice of either a hot dinner provided by catering staff, or a packed lunch brought from home. A menu is sent home termly so that you and your child can select the meals you wish to take.

Free school meals

Pupils are entitled to free school meals if their parents receive:

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers’ allowance
  • Employment support allowance (income related)
  • Child tax credit allowance with no working tax credit and an annual income below £16,190
  • Pension credit
  • Support under part V1 of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999.

If you think you might be entitled to free school dinners or need more information regarding school dinners, please see Miss Steward at the school office.